Looking to add a signature to your emails? You've come to the right spot. Below you'll find the simple steps to do so:
- Click the gear icon to access the Preferences page
- Click the Signatures section to open the editor
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- Name the signature
- Format the signature to your liking by using bold, italic, underlined text or hyperlinking to your website or social profiles, and adding your company logo
- If you would like to use a custom format, you can choose to edit as raw HTML
- Once you’re done, click Save and your signature will be ready
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You can also manage your signatures right in the same spot. Read on to see how you can add additional signatures, delete existing ones and easily switch back and forth between them for various emails.
- Inserting an Image to a signature
- Editing a signature
- Deleting a signature
- Creating multiple signatures
- Switching signatures
Inserting an Image to a signature
- To insert an image to a signature, all you have to do is click on the Insert Image Icon
- Now, select the image from the desired folder.
- Once selected, you may also resize the image.
- Click on Save to save your signature.
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Editing a signature
To edit your signature, all you have to do is click edit and make your changes.
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Deleting a signature
You can remove a signature by clicking Delete.
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Creating multiple signatures
- To add additional signatures, simply click + Add signature button
- Once you have multiple signatures, you can select one to make it your default signature
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Switching signature
To use the other signatures that you have not selected as the default, click on the Signature icon in your email composer and choose the appropriate one.
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That's all about Managing Signatures on Neo Mail! Please feel free to write to us at hello@neo.space for any assistance you may need on Neo.