Always making your way through your busy inbox to get to the important emails? We've got you covered with Neo’s new Priority Inbox!
- What is "Priority Inbox"?
- How to enable/disable Priority Inbox on Neo?
- How to mark email addresses and domains as Priority?
- What is “Other Inbox”?
- How to move an email from the Other Inbox to the Priority Inbox?
- How to move an email from the Priority Inbox to the Other Inbox?
What is "Priority Inbox"?
Priority Inbox is one of the 2 new tabs of the inbox; the second one is the Other Inbox. Priority Inbox sorts your emails by identifying the important ones and filtering them into the Priority Inbox. Neo determines the important emails based on the messages you open, people you’re frequently in touch with, and the keywords in the messages. Priority Inbox is especially helpful if you are overwhelmed with your buzzing inbox and have to constantly keep an eye out for the most critical emails.
How to enable/disable Priority Inbox on Neo Email?
You can set up Priority Inbox by following the below steps:
- On the Neo client, click on the gear icon for “Settings” (in the top right corner) > Preferences > Priority Inbox.
- Use the toggle to enable or disable the Priority Inbox.
- Here you can also specify important email addresses and domains that should be marked as priority. This will ensure all new messages from these email addresses and domains are delivered to your Priority Inbox.
The following GIF demonstrates the above steps.
How to mark email addresses and domains as Priority Inbox?
You can mark email addresses and domains as “priority” by following the below steps:
- Go to Settings > Preferences > Priority Inbox where you can specify important email addresses and domains that should be marked as priority. This will ensure all new messages from these email addresses and domains are delivered to your Priority Inbox.
The following GIF demonstrates the above steps.
What is “Other Inbox”?
The rest of your emails such as promotions, offers, newsletters, and other less critical messages, as identified by Neo, will go into the Other Inbox.
How to move an email from Other Inbox to the Priority?
You can move an email from your Other Inbox to your Priority Inbox by following the below steps:
- Hover over the email in “Other Inbox” and click on the first icon which says “Move to Priority Inbox.”
- Alternatively, you can open the email you want to move. On the top right of the email, click on the 3 dots and select “Move to Priority Inbox.”
The following GIF demonstrates the above steps.
How to move an email from the Priority Inbox to the Other Inbox?
You can move an email from the Priority Inbox to the Other Inbox by following the below steps:
- Hover over the email in “Priority Inbox” and click on the first icon which says “Move to Priority Inbox.”
- Alternatively, you can open the email you want to move. On the top right of the email, click on the 3 dots and select “Move to Other Inbox.”
The following GIF demonstrates the above steps.
Hope this article was helpful to you and if you still need any further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at and we shall be very happy to help :)